Navigating the R ecosystem using R-universe

Jeroen Ooms


What is R-universe?

  • Discover: a searchable catalogue for R software, articles, datasets, anywhere in the ecosystem. Indexed and ranked using R specific features.
  • Learn: provides rendered material and extensive background information to learn about a package and get started using it.
  • Publish: an open platform for running personal cran-like package repositories (cf. KH keynote) to make your work visible and accessible to a big audience, with or without CRAN.
  • Develop: a zero config development environment for actual continuous integration, experimental R features, new platforms, etc.

1. Discover

Search and browse for packages, articles, datasets from anywhere in the ecosystem…

2. Use and Learn

All the material and background information there is to know about a project and get started using it immediately.

3. Publish and Manage

Run your own cran-style package repository to make your work more visible and accessible, monitor quality, do integrated testing.

4. Develop and experiment

Actual CI (identify upcoming breakage before the release), WebAssembly binaries, HTML reference manuals, cross compiling, etc.

Future plans

  • R-universe keeps evolving based on your ideas

  • The system is OSS and runs on public infra. You are welcome to suggest changes.

  • Multiverse project: user initiative to start a democratic community run multi-org package repository based on R-universe. A bit like bioconductor.